The Pandoran Society

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Our Founders, and First Clergy of The Pandoran Society

Lady Ravyn Tameran

Alicia M Sisco (born Foster) has been a student of pagan  theo/thealogy for over 25 years. Her areas of interest are: Khemeticism, Greco-Roman Myths, and Norse Myths and Culture. She received her First Degree in solitary work in 1995, a First Degree in the Correllian Tradition in 2005, she also has a 4th degree from the Coven of the BlackDragon (her HP at the time became her husband), a 4th degree from the Circle of Equals, and has since formed 2 covens of her own (now disbanded... for info on the reasons, please contact Alicia directly) and helped to form and organize The Pandoran Society.


A dedicated teacher, she focuses on connecting the student with the right information, and has printed a training manual used exclusively by The Pandoran Society, and her affiliated church- Church of the Iron Dragon.


Lord Tiamat

I was born in 1972 and have been practicing paganism since 1986. While during this time I’ve delved into many forms of the magical arts and one martial art. Some of which include demonology, druidism, Celtic, fairy, dragon, chaos and discord, and studied 3 years of Wing Chung Do Gung Fu. I am currently practicing in the realm of Asatru. I’ve completed two coven training courses and have been granted the title of high priest twice. I have been trained and have completed the course of astral projection through the Frost school of Wicca. I am a legal minister with the U.L.C registered with the state of Ohio and Michigan. I have been active with the Federation of circles and solitares for 4 years and have held 2 board positions with them. I have also circled with sacred hearth coven where I was an honorary high priest for one year with them; circle of wonderous stories and once with the crafters coven for a ritual before they disbanded. I have established one coven in my time, the coven of the blackdragon and am currently the Godi of the Kindred of the Northern Shadows.

This is a place holder for Sar's info and Pic

This is Sar. He needs a better, more current pic.

This is a place holder for Willow's Info.

Willow needs a professional pic.